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Spa changes everything

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Statement of income (PL) and Statement of Other comprehensive income (SOCI)

Cmprehensive income is a more all-encompassing view of changes in shareholders' equity, including not only net income but also all other changes in equity that do not arise from transactions with owners. Comprehensive income therefore includes net income and other comprehensive income (OCI). Both net income and OCI accumulate in shareholders' equity in the balance sheet, but in different accounts. While net income accumulates in retained earnings, OCI accumulates in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI).

Entities currently have a choice and can present profit or loss and other comprehensive income in either:

(a)  a single statement of comprehensive income; or

(b)  two statements: a statement displaying components of profit or loss (an income
statement), and a second statement beginning with profit or loss and displaying the
components of OCI (a statement ofother comprehensive income).

IASB proposes to require entities:

to present a statement showing as two separate sections: 
i.  profit or loss; and
ii.  all items of ‘other comprehensive income’ (OCI); and

to present separately: 
i.  those items of OCI that might be recycled subsequently; and
ii.  those items of OCI that will not be recycled subsequently.

Items are not recycled subsequently: Never reclassified to Profit and loss, they only are recorded on Equity when the conditions are met.

Format as bellow:



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